A clock shows 9 AM. After 479999999999989 hours what will it show ? More importantly, how will you solve this?
Well u use mod 24 …. it keeps cumin to 23 evrytime till the 2nd last step …. finally u r left wid 238 mod 24 which cums to 22 and then u have 229 mod 24 which is 13 ….so add 13 hours to 9 amwhich is 10 pmI hope i am right ….. 🙂Cheers !! Reply
Well u use mod 24 …. it keeps cumin to 23 evrytime till the 2nd last step …. finally u r left wid 238 mod 24 which cums to 22 and then u have 229 mod 24 which is 13 ….
so add 13 hours to 9 am
which is 10 pm
I hope i am right ….. 🙂
Cheers !!