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Thanks Preeti for pointing me to this. She sang this with her kids for ~16 times 🙂
Thanks Ye Li for the hard work
UPDATE: Edited the video size as it was hogging the screen hiding the comments.
Need to change the template also, suggest me something in black 😉
Wow!How in the world did you manage to embed that? (Don’t answer!I am suitably impressed)
And thanks for the mention–I still cannot get it out of my head! It is amazingly well done–and I like this video so much better than the original one!
One word – WOW! Amazing! Mind-blowing!
Hey, my head’s buzzing with the song, so I couldn’t keep track of the no. of words!
Great job!!
haven’t seen the original video….so am impressed with this one…
love this song,but wasnt sure of a lot of words…..am now
P: Yes the song is addictive enough to stay on your mind 🙂
Rajk: Did you tried clicking on the iamges in the song, try it
Gazal: See the original one and you’ll love this one more