I’m loving this
Today I tried playing with “Google Hindi Translater” on my site and I’m still laughing on some of the translations. Some commonly used terms are very nicely translated, like “about us”, “contact us” etc. But the fun is to go through the uncommon sentences. Here are a few examples
Making security a common sense
–एक सामान्य बनाने में सुरक्षा की भावना
a member driven community to spread the security awareness
— समुदाय के एक सदस्य संचालित करने के लिए जागरूकता फैलाने की सुरक्षा है
Its fun to ride on my cruiser
— इसका मजा की सवारी मेरे क्रूजर
Man uses networked ‘crazy’ toaster to hack PC (from clubhack.com)
–मनुष्य का उपयोग करता है नेटवर्क ‘ पागल ‘ टोस्ट सेंकने वाला हैक करने के लिए पीसी
[Who is using whom]
ClubHack is proud to sponsor the 4th BarCamp of pune
–क्लब पर गर्व है हैक करने के लिए पुणे के प्रायोजक के 4 BarCamp
[Oops, the meaning got changed…]
Loved reading all these, try out the fun yourself via http://translate.google.com/translate_s?hl=hi
Rohit, I would like to bring to your notice that the Indian Govt. has also been working on machine translation problems. You can try your hands over here. but, yes, before you do that, it would be nice if you could know what type of sentences it doesn’t handle. It is worth appreciating C-DAC’s efforts.
Thanks for sharing Ankit
I tried a fwe with this too & found more funny translations.
सुरक्षा एक सामान्य ज्ञानेन्द्रिय बनाते हैं।
which makes it “security makes a common sensory organ” 🙂
क्लब्हैक हैं गर्वित स्पोन्सर करते हैं 4थ् बार्कम्प प्युन का।
Much better, I’m impressed already.
Nice to see the efforts by CDAC, but still along way to go.
Thanks for sharing the info
Welcome, any time.
Certainly yes! But, it seems you’ve tried those sentences which they say, they’re working on. You’ve tried exclamatory sentences, and sentences which have ‘to’ followed by a verb i.e. to-infinitive clauses.
Thanks, for your inputs though. These shall be useful.