I was thinking of writing a blog on the first B’day of PuneTech and tried some online tricks
# PuneTech is a free, non-commercial website run by volunteers to disseminate information about information technology and software engineering in Pune.
# punetech is of course a great service
# PuneTech is a service co-ordinated by the people who run punetech.com
# Punetech is worth USD $8 Million in #pulling-a-leg-or-then-maybe-not
# PuneTech is managed by Navin Kabra.
# PuneTech is a non-commercial site that collects information about all interesting technology in Pune. PuneTech makes no profits on PuneTech merchandise.
# PuneTech is a non-commercial, by the community, for the community site.
# punetech is using Twitter
# PuneTech is a community portal exclusively focused on the innovative IT companies and startups in Pune.
# Punetech is a blog started by highly experienced fellow technology enthu, Navin Kabra and he is being supported by excellent team like Amit Paranjape, Manas and others
And once upon a time I twitted the
# @punetech is a boon to Pune tech community. A real good source for all the geeks info. @ngkabra I’m missing such a good stuff in Delhi man. (twit)
Happy Bday PuneTech, its indeed a Boon.
Nice angle of presentation. Interesting how much information you were able to extract out of that search term.