Imagine a company with almost 20000 employees…
… with 1 billion customers
… created from scratch in less than 3 years
… operating for just a few weeks
1000s journalists are in town…
…to capture the scoop
…successes and failures
With more than 200 people…
… to roll out the entire IT infrastructure of the “company”
… to issue passport-grade badges to all 20000 “employees”
… Then to manage the IT operations for 2 weeks
… and then undo it all…
Guess which company is this???
Beijing Olympics ??
Because your Tag says CYG so I say it is CYG (huge grin)
Hey–good luck with all the preparations.
I knew it was CYG as you had already told me 😛
Stumbled upon your blog from the Delhi BlogCamp blog…
Thanks for the GMail security tips; never knew about the IP Adress verification stuff and all… 😀