Google is working hard to make its sites available even to people on low bandwidth. Last they worked upon gmail & now its time for orkut.
They have reworked on the code so that if the pages are taking time to load, user will get a prompt to switch over to low-bandwidth version of the same.
Good to see the initiative, at times I’m sitting idle at airport on low speed data card connections. Thats the best time to contact friends on orkut and now it will be more easier 🙂
how can i get back to original version??
Sorry, but i didn’t got your question.
What do you mean by going to original version?
yeah–I did like the changes they made in orkut.
how can i go back to the original version i.e, friends name with photo’s
@ shekar & @renu
Home > My settings > low bandwidth
The Beta Mobile is shit… I want the classic back
der versio that i have phots of my friends
my problem was that i cant see my friends pic on my orkut home but solve it by help of rohit shrivastava
how to get back back my original profil
hi how can i go back to my original version normal one not faster n lighter
how can i get back my original version i dont like this faster n lighter one
how can i go back to the original version i.e, friends name with photo’s
how can i get back my original version i dont like this faster n lighter one
Login to your orkut account.
Now go to Settings Tab > General > In Low Band Width
Click Show the normal version of orkut
pls help me tget back previous version quickly