On 5th October theregister reported more than 10,000 password were leaked mysteriously on pastebin.com. See this tweetAs a followup study "Acunetix Web Application Security Blog" did an analysis on the kind of password people use.Some interesting findings are as follows-Statistics: The list initially contained 10,028 entries.There are 8931 (90%) unique passwords in the list. The longest password was 30 chars long: lafaroleratropezoooooooooooooo.The shortes
Understanding Indian IT act (& amendments) made little easy for common manCrime: A mobile phone or computer or any electric device is stolen.Section to be applied: 66B.Punishment: Jail term up to 3 years and/or fine up to 1 lakh.Crime: Data owned by you or your company in any form is stolen.Section to be applied: 66B.Punishment: Jail term up to 3 years and/or fine up to 1 lakh.Crime: Data or computer or mobile phone owned by you is found in the hands
I was thinking of writing a blog on the first B'day of PuneTech and tried some online tricksGoogle: "PuneTech is..."# PuneTech is a free, non-commercial website run by volunteers to disseminate information about information technology and software engineering in Pune.# punetech is of course a great service# PuneTech is a service co-ordinated by the people who run punetech.com# Punetech is worth USD $8 Million in
Here is a bunch of CheatSheets which might be useful from time to time to use as a reference:# TCP/IP and tcpdump Cheat Sheet - SANS.org# Google Hacking and Defense Cheat Sheet - SANS.org# Intrusion Discovery Cheat Sheet Windows - SANS.org# Intrusion Discovery Cheat Sheet Linux - SANS.org# SQL Injection Cheat Sheet - ha.ckers.org# Cross Site Scripting Cheat Sheet - ha.ckers.org# Web application Cheat Sheet - secguru.com# Linux Security Quick Reference Guid...
I came to Delhi 2 weeks back. Wanted to write a lot but not getting enough time.Actually not getting enough time to write a blog post, twittering is still on at full speed (@rohit11)Lets divide the post into sectionsWINTER:Freak, Don't even talk about that. I have spent my 3 years in Meerut which is some 70km from here. Have tasted this north Indian winter, but in last 6+ years Pune weather has pampered me and now this is feeling at extreme. What Delhi win
I never thought I'll be posting something long and boring like this but feeling like putting few words on this subject.I'm leaving Pune and shifting to Delhi for few years. For those who know I worked as Director Technology for the Commonwealth Youth Games held in october 2008 and same is the reason why I'm moving to Delhi. I'll be working for the Commonwealth Games to be held in October 2010.Its been 6 years and 1 quater I lived in this classy city Pune.
Following HDMoore's twit I stumbled on this case of Man-in-the-middle attack with a valid SSL certificate from a shady reseller.Eddy Nigg was able to buy a certificate in the name of mozilla.com from a reseller of comodo named 'Certstar'.In response of this issue, comodo saysThat reseller's ability to sell Comodo certificates has been suspended while weinvestigate why they are apparently not fulfilling their contractual obligationsto us. We revoked your ce
Yesterday on 22nd of December 2008, Lok Sabha and today on 23rd December 2008, Rajya Sabha passed the Information Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2006" It was passed by Rajya Sabha also within one minute. See extracts from Rajya Sabha Bulletin2-04 p.m.(3) The Information Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2008, as passed by Lok Sabha. Shri A. Raja, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, moved motion for the consideration of the Bill. The motion for
Ooh not me, but thinking of doing it soon But XKCD is so true again :)I'm thinking of messing with both PERL & Python.Don't be amused, I'm OK, healthy and fine. Just want to do some dirty scritping
NDTV took an interview and a few bytes on 6th December in ClubHack but somehow they telecasted it as wardriving report.Few clarifications here.1: its not a group of students-turned-hackers2: not even teenagers, butno harm if someone is reducing my age by 10 years or so