I found this tiny(absolute tiny) and wonderful utility for windows mobile.It uses top 2 pixel row of your screen and shows you the battery as well as memory status. A quick look at the phone will give you an idea that how much battery is remaining and if you have enough memory free or not. See the top 2 pixel of the screenshot Name: powerstatus.exeSize: 3584 bytesLicense: FreewareDownload: http://freewareppc.com/utilities/powerstatus.shtmlPut this in your
One day to go for the India's second hackers' conventionDate: 6th & 7th December 2008Place: PuneVenue: International Convention Center, SB Road. AddressSchedule: ScheduleRegistration: Registration
On 10th November 2008, ClubHack with support of Cyber Crime Cell of Pune Police conducted a Wardriving in Pune, Maharashtra.This Wardriving aimed at analysis of wireless network security in Pune city at common places like ITparks, residential areas, market areas, hotels, airport etc.To our amaze, we found nearly 81% of Pune's wifi to be insecure ( I count WEP as insecure)Find the report and analysis @ http://wardrive.in/
Ever wondered what is this “Free Public WiFi” or “Free Internet Access” wireless network visible in most of the places?These are known as Viral SSID, don’t expect it to be a free access to internet :)Read more about Viral SSID on ClubHack blog
Working on windows XP I have faced this problem a hunder times. While copying files from one folder to another where the some of the file already exists we see this "Confirm file replace" dialog box.At times when there are many duplicate files, it feels stupid to keep clicking "No" or pressing "N" on keyboard. If Microsoft can keep a "Yes to all" button, why can't they keep a "No to all".OK, here's the solution. Simply press and hold "Shift" key and then c
Google announced so called OpenID launch which scared me again about OpenIDI'm not totally against OpenID concept, I'm just paranoid about it at this stage.Here's my take onRisks With OpenID
Hey Friends,I'm back online after a small pause of 10-15 days. I wished I could have gone offline like Tarun, Moksh , Harsha and many others who take a break, disconnect themselves from computer/Internet world and enjoy their non-digital life. But this pause of mine was little different.I was not away from my laptop or Internet or cellphone or computer industry but I was still offline tied up in something very different. So busy that was not in a position
Now this is cool!I use this hosting provider called "dreamhost" which gives a lot of webspace and bandwidth. When I signed up few years back I got some 200gb space and a few TB bandwidth which is increasing weekly like your gmail account space and now my account is above 600gb and >6TB in bandwidth :) .Now this company has turned 11 and offered UNLIMITED space for new signups.Along with that they offer existing customers to create promo code and offer extr
Ok! Have been hearing a lot of noise about wifi connection getting attacked and misused. So thought of writting a small howto for securing home wifi device.Steps:# Open the configuration of your home wifi device. Generally its done by opening the IP address of your wireless router in the browser# Login to this configuration page and go to device setting# Change the defaul password of this device, i need not tell you what is called as strong password# Go to
Google announced the launch of its new browser called chrome. It will be launched in US on tuesday, thats end of the day today.Glimps of the product was released via comic (which I think is a nice way to communicate).BTW this comic was created by Scott McCloud of classic Understanding Comics fame.Comic: http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/Official Blog: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/fresh-take-on-browser.htmlProduct Homepage: http://gears.goo